Saturday, August 2, 2008

Do A Little Dance...

Last Wednesday, as you may recall. we took the day off from school for Family Fun Day, and spent the day at the County Fair. Monday, being Nathan's Birthday was an automatic day off. Tuesday, the kids were practically begging for another day off. Actually, they were trying to convince me that since we had Monday off there really wasn't much point in having school that week at all. That logic didn't quite do the trick for me, but I did realize that Pa and I (youngsters that we aren't) were completely worn out from all the festivities, and it had been awhile since we'd had a "vacation" from school, so I gathered the kids together and ordered them to enjoy their week of Summer vacation.

Of course it took me completely by surprise when both of my children reacted with gleeful prancing about the yard, and big plans of how they were going to spend their week of freedom. For the most part the week was spent at home, Pa and I alternately enjoying our restful times with getting some extra stuff done around the house. In the meantime, the kids enjoyed the extra play time with the neighbor kids.

This morning our children are watching their weekly TV shows. It's hard for me to believe the week has passed so quickly. I will however, resist the temptation to extend our vacation for a second week ;-)

One of the extra things I accomplished this last week was to get my recipe for Vanilla Creamer down just the way I like it. After years of feeling a bit like a martyr, dutifully making do with stirring cheap powdered creamer into my coffee each morning, as I really couldn't justify the expense of the good stuff except for special occasions,I decided it was high time for a personally gratifying kitchen experiment. This is the happy result of the experimentation:

Boondock Ma's Semi-Frugal Vanilla Creamer

2 cups powdered creamer (I used generic)
1 Cup sugar, or equivalent (I used generic Splenda)
2 Cups HOT water
2 Cups cold water
1 TBSP good vanilla

Place creamer and sweetener in a shakeable, pourable, covered container. Add hot water, crank the radio up then shake-shake-shake, as you dance around your kitchen. Add vanilla and cold water. Turn the music up and shake some more. Pop it in the fridge. Next morning smile, as you enjoy your morning indulgence.


HDMac said...

What a fun week, for all of you! :) The creamer sounds yummy. how long do you think it will last in the fridge? I am not much of a coffee drinker but when I do, give me Vanilla Creamer. I LOVE it! lol


Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Hey Marcia!

Good question! I know the commercially prepared liquid creamers are supposed to keep longer when they're flavored, but to be on the safe side, I'd say a week for the homemade.

You could always cut the recipe in half if you think it would make too much. I'd say 1 1/2 tsp, vanilla for a half recipe ;-)