Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Politics: Just For Fun

One of the things I decided when starting this blog was that I was going to do my level best to avoid political posts as much as possible. While I do have some very strong opinions just like everyone else, I also have friends and family who have opposing views. I could go on my soapbox and make my strong opinions known but I have to wonder what the point would be. I would gain atta girls from some, and alienate others.In the process I would have accomplished nothing worthwhile. Face it. No one is going to change their mind because of anything I say. And so it is I am finding myself sitting on my hands, biting my tongue, taking a deep breath, reminding myself to "just say no"

On that note, there is a little something that has occurred to me in recent months. "Just for fun", I did a search and was actually rather surprised to find what I was searching for so easily. "Just for fun", I am inviting you to visit this site and take a little peek into history. It's not a long trip into history. The journey begins with our current president and proceeds backwards into time through 6 Presidents who have preceded him in serving our nation. There is actually very little reading involved, and you have the option of skipping the reading portion all together if you choose. Just look at the pictures..

When you are finished browsing through the pictorial history lesson, I would ask you to do one more thing. Go to most any news site, or just open a current newspaper that may be laying around the house. I'm guessing finding photos of each of the current Presidential candidates will be less than challenging. Take a good look at each of them, and one at a time, imagine what they would look like after 4 then 8 years in the Oval Office.

Remember, it's "just for fun"


HDMac said...

That was interesting. I wouldn't want that job... I especially looked at Ike and Roosevelt.. they had some very tough times... Ikes term was worrisome with the cold war...

Thanks for that!

Unknown said...

It's okay to state your opinion sis. I won't agree you can count on that...but really, it's okay. We live in the Land of the Free remember...for now anyway.

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Marcia, glad you enjoyed it. It is interesting isn't it? I told Pa it seems Presidential years could just about be measured as cat years! Not a job I'd want either. Don't consider myself vain, but I wouldn't want to age that much that fast!

Carol, LOL Still sittin' on my hands. I've found there's a side benefit to that this time of year. Keeps the hands nice and toasty warm ;-)

Dorothy said...

That was a great, thanks I bookmarked it and will show it to my friends. You certainly change when you become president..

Dorothy from grammology

HDMac said...

Connie, stop by my blog... I have another award for you! I know you probably think... another from HER?? lol.. but you know I just love reading your babble!!!

My Little Room In The Corner said...

Connie - that was really interesting! I didn't realize that Clinton balanced the budget and had a reported surplus as well! Why do we, as a people, focus on the bad? Most people think scandal when they hear his name. I won't any longer.