Today was a different story. It was our last day to take advantage of our permit so we headed out as early as we could manage it. We had a great time. While Pa was busy sawing up the wood, the kids and I had nothing to do but play, and play we did! I'm pretty sure I got as much of a workout from our play as I did from hauling the wood to the truck! Nathan even decided to see if the name we gave him earlier in the year might have bestowed some magical flying powers.

Although it was a pretty impressive attempt, none of us noticed any actual lifting in the motion that might have indicated flight. Guess he forgot the name was "Featherless Natewarbler" , and I've never known of a featherless bird actually managing flight ;-)
Pa did keep us busy hauling wood though, and I'm happy to report the wood was in a much kinder mood today! We even managed to have a fine conversation with a BLM Forest Ranger, as well as the head Forester for our district. Once they had checked our paperwork to make sure we were legal we all just chatted it up for quite awhile. That ended up setting our timetable back a bit but that was okay. We learned alot from them, including the very welcome news that we will probably be able to get another permit for the same spot in the near future.
On the way back we experienced one more slight delay. We were all surprised when we had to stop the truck to wait for a flock of ten wild turkeys to move out of our way. They were just standing there. They finally moved, but as we passed Pa looked in the rearview mirror and noticed them all walking back out to the very same spot. Pa says he's pretty sure that was the farewell committee.
Once home, with the truck unloaded we all had a chance to sit down and relax. It was then we realized how worn out we were. We really did get a workout today! Although we're going to miss our fun in the woods, Pa and I are rather looking forward to a wee bit of recovery time. The kids are just going to have to make do with our own little patch of woods, at least until we manage to land another permit.
I remember those days. The air is crisp, the ground moist. The scent in the air is definitely autumn and the trees lend validation. As you get out of the truck all of your senses go into high gear with the pleasure of it all. Yes, I remember those days. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a great day, work and all!!! Kids just love the adventure the back woods gives!!!! And thankful that the wood was kind to you and all! :)
You should have nabbed on of those turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner!
Speaking of woods, we may be heading to your neck of the woods in November for a few days...Michael has some work that way and we're thinking we all might tag along.
Thank you all for your comments!
Bev, It's so good to see you back again! Your words describe the experience so beautifully!
Carol, Very cool! Do you have an approximate date? We're all looking forward to seeing you and the family again. It's been way too long!
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