Saturday was Pa's Birthday. He was tickled the sun chose to show up just long enough for him to enjoy spending some time outside before it continued raining once again. Of course, it being a Birthday, we opted for something a bit more exciting for dinner than our usual Saturday night beans. Rather, we had Pa's favorite, Corned Beef and cabbage, which was a delicious change. I was thrilled to have an oven so I could bake his cake this year. It was a different cake than I had made before so I was a bit nervous about it, but was quite pleased with the results. Decorating it was oodles of fun!

Saturday Night At The Movies
Of course, it being Saturday, the kids had to watch their movie. This week they chose Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Lindsay and I both thoroughly enjoyed it, I for the scenery and the music (I happen to be a Neil Diamond fan from way back), and Lindsay for the scenery and the story. While Nathan didn't seem sorry about their choice, judging by the multiple times I noted him sitting on the couch with his nose in his book, I'm guessing he wasn't quite so enthused with it as Lindsay and I were. Pa spent most of the movie viewing time chuckling at Lindsay's and my reactions, so I figure he wasn't really in to it either. Hmmm. Could it be a gender thing? I only wish we could've seen it on a big screen. Lindsay and I both agreed the wonderful scenic photography was deserving of a larger presentation.
Yesterday, Sunday, I got to use the oven again. I chose to experiment with some silicone bake ware I had received as a gift from my Father and Stepmother a few years ago. I was pleasantly surprised at the results, although I wonder if perhaps I need to bump the temperature up a bit when using it. Seems to me I read somewhere that you need to increase the temperature by 25ยบ when baking with silicone bake ware? Anyway, I'm looking forward to experimenting with it again, after I do some more research.
This morning as we prepared for school I made an announcement. We now have two very happy children! Today and tomorrow will be the last two days of 4th and 6th grades for them. To celebrate, they will get the rest of the week off, and if the weather cooperates, they'll be able to head outside one evening, and we'll fire up the last of the sparklers we saved from our July 4th festivities just for this purpose.
One more exciting thing for this week. On one of Pa's recent trips down to the little store down the road, he learned that every two weeks, they take orders for Costco! Pa was able to get the catalog yesterday, and we got our first order in this morning. Although it's not quite the same as being able to head to the store, and push the big cart around loading it with whatever catches our attention, we are pleased to have the option of saving on quite a few choices. Thursday, Pa will head back down to the little store and pick up our first purchase. Our first order is a fairly small one, but I have big plans for future orders! One of the items on this week's order is a large bag of yeast. I've been wanting to start baking bread again, but was put off by the price of yeast at the grocery stores. I can get a 2 lb. bag of it from Costco for a very reasonable price. Excellent! I was thinking of trying to make a sourdough starter, but it's difficult to keep our house warm for extended periods of time. Now it won't be a problem. Just one more reason to be happy about having a working range ;-)
With all of the "busyness" around here lately, I've neglected my handiwork. It seems like so long ago that I last picked up my knitting needles, or a crochet hook. On top of that, I'm now quite eager to get started on sewing again. I'm hoping to pick up my knitting, if only for a little while again this afternoon. Tomorrow is Lindsay's next appointment with her eye Dr., so I'm hoping to come up with a reasonably mindless knitting or crocheting project to keep my mind and fingers busy while we're there as well.
You, my friend, had a busy weekend! Tell Pa happy birthday! Saturday began our big birthday season. Doug's brother was Sat and his sister on Sunday and 2 grands have birthdays this week!
I love the way that Pa reacted to watching you and Lindsay's reactions to the movie. Sometimes Doug is not really thrilled with a movie we chose but he gets a kick out of my laughter or gasps, etc! lol
Happy birthday Pa the cake looked great..and I always wondered about that cookware..let us know as you use it more.
Dorothy from grammology
You are really missed!!!!! You have a lot of catching us up on when you get back on line! lol
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