Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An Odd Bird

Since we discovered this new species in our backyard, we're thinking we have naming rights. Perhaps the "Featherless Natewarbler"?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Perhaps it's a Nate-Jay. I dunno. Looks to be a rare breed to me.

Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

I thought he was looking AT the rare bird and it took me a while to get the joke!!!

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I homeschool year-round as well, but more because "Elf" is autistic and the household schedule changing too much is overwhelming for him after a week or so. We only do a couple hours each weekday in the summer, too, but it helps him to know "what happens next."

PS On the $70 purchases being expensive... only think of all the "voluntary" fundraising you don't have to do and the "voluntary" purchases you aren't making this year through the school PTA. You're saving money already! :]

My two older boys are in PS and I spend a LOT on their "free education," when you figure in that they need at least reasonably nice clothes from the thrift store each year!!

HDMac said...

LOL Priceless picture and LOVE your sense of humor!